Aroma Massage

Naked! Or Should I Wear Something during My Swedish Massage?

Many believe one can go commando during a Swedish massage, but this is still frowned upon in many countries. Today, we are learning what to wear when you are in India and expect to get a Swedish massage.

Two strangers are usually included in this practice, so it is important to get consent from your masseuse.

Then, are you comfortable being buck naked in front of a total stranger? Multiple questions and a few answers.

Let’s explore.

The Famous Question

Yes, you will have sheets to keep your dignity even if you decide to strip down to the bone. It is uncommon for Indians to remove all their clothes for their massages, but whatever floats your boat.

Many massages include one or multiple types of stretches. Although stretches are not the key focus in a typical Swedish massage, they are definitely a part of it.

If one is not wearing a lot, one may feel exposed. When males can be okay with being topless during the rubdown, females can use a little discretion. Then again, it is a question of personal chance. I am only speaking based on the majority.


Briefs are among the top recommended clothing for a Swedish spa in Chandigarh. Swimsuits can be used by both males and females for this dedicated hour.

The massage rooms mostly have dimmed-down lighting. They are draped professionally so that you can change in peace.

Something Simple

As we discussed, you will wear whatever makes you comfortable. Even if something comfortable is something as simple as a pair of leggings.

Also, it is important to mention that it is okay to node off. No, it is not an insult to the performer, but it is one of the biggest compliments.

The best Swedish massage in Chandigarh is known to relax a person to the point where sleeping is inevitable.

You are here to relax and to flush stress out of your body. You are allowed to sleep off a bit. Yes, there might be better ideas than snoring the roof off.

Any professional masseuse will only enter the room after seeking permission from you.

Don’t Be a Paolo!

Paolo from Friends is the only perfect example of what not to wear or do during a Swedish massage. It may not result in a breakup with your girlfriend, but it can go way south.

You are relaxed in a very intimate setting when a person has had a lot of physical touch with you. The person you trust to untangle your tensed body is a certified professional who is relaxing you as their job.

So, it becomes extra essential for everyone to be even more respectful to their masseuse. Asking for “extra services” may land one in those troubles one should avoid.

Ending Note

Swedish massage originated in 1830. It is a proven relaxing therapy. How you approach it is your territory.

Body therapies were developed to relax the mind and body equally. We cannot emphasize enough that you visit spas to relax. Dress however you feel fresh.

There is no pressure to follow massage table etiquette; just remember not to be a Paolo. Rest; you are up for a good time. We have gathered a list of frequently asked questions about the topic we discussed.

These frequently asked questions or FAQs may help you, too.

  1. Do I need to remove clothes for a Swedish massage?

You can remove as much clothing as you are comfortable with. You need to reach a level where you can enjoy your massage rather than being worried about your body.

  1. Is Swedish massage done with clothes on?

You can keep briefs or your swimming suits on if you are uncomfortable going buck naked in front of a complete stranger. If you even decide to strip down the skin, towels and sheets are always available near the massage table. The massager will seek permission to touch your sensitive areas.

  1. Do you wear clothes for a full-body massage?

If this is your first time, keeping your underwear would be a better idea. If you have had a couple of massages recently, you can try stripping down to the skin. The lights at massage rooms are usually dimmed, so your dignity is maintained all the time. Sheets or towels will be kept on your buttocks all the time during the massage. It is a professional way of doing the massage. Your masseuse will seek permission before touching your sensitive areas.

  1. How do I prepare for my first Swedish massage?

Drink plenty of water a day before your massage. Eat light, non-spicy food. Take a hot shower before and after the Swedish massage. There will be excessive oil on your skin after the massage, so you must remove that. Talk about your needs with your therapist. Feel the tension flushing out of your body during your massage.